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A Pledge is a commitment made on top of the core filed of activity of an organisation, big or small, private, public or non-profit, to make a direct contribution to reduce the digital skills gap in Europe. Commitments are provided in good faith and free of conditions to the beneficiaries. 

Browse through pledges to see how organisations contribute to reaching the Digital Decade targets of training 20 million ICT Specialists and ensuring basic digital skills for 80 % of the population.  

Tackle Skill Mismatch in Marketing and Advertising

By: GAMS Platform
Background Digital has changed the way people work. One of the most impacted fields is marketing and advertising, in which there is a huge gap between skills learned at school and the actual job talents will perform. We better refer from now on to...
To be completed by: 03/12/2022

FHF Digital Skills

By: Factor Humano Formación - Escuela Internacional de Postgrado
Our pledge Our goal is to facilitate employability by upskilling Europeans and help them demonstrate that they have the required digital skills that employers are looking for. Through collaboration with businesses and educational institutions, FHF...
To be completed by: 30/06/2025

Work for a gender mix in digital professions

By: CMQ Numérique
Our pledge The Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Numérique pledges to make the digital professions known to as many people as possible, and in particular to young girls. Indeed, an orientation bias is noted at the age of 14, 15, 16 and 17...
To be completed by: 01/12/2021


By: CMQ Numérique
Our pledge A place to promote digital professions and training in the Drôme / Ardèche region : Third Place / FabLab / Totem's Campus / Network Core A WELCOMING PLACE | The network of Campus of Trades and Digital Qualifications Drôme-Ardèche opens a...
To be completed by: 01/08/2023