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TechSoup Europe

TechSoup Europe is running the largest technology philanthropy program in Europe. We connect grant makers and businesses with civil society organizations and support nonprofits and activists to use the best technology for social change. We are a part of the TechSoup Global Network. Together with our 24 partners – civil society organizations representing many different areas: capacity building, civic engagement, social innovation, or digital inclusion – we help nonprofits including grass-roots, small, local organizations in 53 European countries and territories build their capacity.

Our network creates a space for an exchange of ideas and best practices between partners, as well as new cross-border collaborations. We develop our capacities, we learn from each other, we make joint projects to better serve civil society.

Organisation Details

Geographic Sphere
International initiative
In which sector does your organisation operate ?
Driver - organisations defining digital skills and jobs requirements, providing policy advice or policy making.
Enabler - organisations that facilitate the development of skills programmes.
Adopter - organisations which act upon proposed initiatives or recommendations to grow skills within their own organisation or community